Fighting Holiday Stress: How to Stay Happy, Sane, and Smiling

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If you find yourself dreading the holidays, you’re not alone. This is a stressful time of year for many. Travel, finances, and cooking responsibilities can take their toll. Not to mention, family is a big source of stress for many as well.

There isn’t much hard data on this, but several experts told Popular Science that many or most people feel some degree of stress surrounding their families. And though some people stress about it more than others because of their personalities or family history, the stress itself is a “very normal” feeling, says Pamela Regan, a psychology professor at California State University in Los Angeles.

When you’re worried about the upcoming holidays for one reason or another, it might be difficult to truly enjoy this year. However, we have some ways that can help you stay happy, sane, and smiling this holiday season.

Take in the Sunlight

This might be easier said than done with the recent time change, but sunlight and fresh air can vastly improve your mood and well-being. If you’re living in a cold climate, bundle up and go for a brisk walk around the block. This won’t only get you out in the sunlight and fresh air, but it can also boost endorphins with exercise.

Take Time for Yourself

Although this is the season to spend time with friends and family, it’s also important to take time for yourself. Go get a haircut or even get in a workout at the gym a couple times a week. When you come back feeling refreshed, you might feel better about spending some time with other people.

Don’t Try to be Perfect

The perfect gift. The perfect tree. The perfect New Year’s Eve outfit.

The constant need to achieve perfection can overwhelm anyone. This year, make it a point to accept what is “good enough” to your standards. Cut yourself some slack for the holidays and leave thoughts of perfection behind.

Don’t Overschedule

Sticking as close to your regular routine as possible will help you stay sane. While there are more events and travel involved during the holidays, try to stick to your routine when you’re at home. When you do have an event coming up, fit it around your schedule if possible. Remember that it’s OK to stay no sometimes, too.

Start a New Tradition

Starting a new tradition can help you focus on the positive aspects of the holidays. This can keep you focused on what you enjoy about the holidays, allowing you to relax and enjoy yourself rather than endure the same stress year after year.

How Will You Enjoy the Holidays This Year?

Hopefully these tips help you enjoy the holiday season a little more this year. Keep following our blog to learn more about stress management during the holidays.

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