These 10 Self-Care Resolutions Will Make Your 2018 Infinitely Better
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Have you set a resolution yet? If not, it’s not too late. If the thought of a new year brings stress and uncertainty, a great resolution to consider is self-care. When your to-do list is jammed with a activities, it’s difficult to do much for yourself. However, caring for your own well-being is imperative to staying happy.
Can’t think of any good self-care resolutions for 2018? Best Life Hub has you covered.
- Take Something Off Your “To-Do” List
Does impending activities leave you feeling stressed to the max? Tackle that activity as early in the day as possible. This will immediately lessen some of the anxiety of the upcoming day, leaving you with a fresher mindset and a better attitude.
- Don’t Have a To-Do List? Make One
Planners aren’t just for teachers or Type A personalities. According to Lifehack:
“Planning can greatly reduce your stress quotient. Proper planning gives you the peace of mind of knowing that you have formulated a feasible plan of action and that your goals are attainable. It also serves as a way to evaluate progress as you work.”
There are endless types of planners you can use to get started. If you’re on a budget or just want to see how you like using a planner, try looking at the dollar store first. Amazon also has great deals for a variety of budgets.
- Practice Mindfulness
Being more mindful is a popular resolution. It doesn’t cost any money and you can spend as much or as little time on it as you need. Since it’s so easy to do, there’s no reason to not take a second or two to be grateful for even the smallest details of your life.
- Remove Technology from Your Bedroom
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by information, especially with around-the-clock notifications from our smart devices.
To truly disconnect at the end of the day, remove technology from your bedroom. Allow your phone to charge in an office and leave the tablet on your coffee table. Not only does this separate you from technology for a short period, you won’t be tempted to grab your phone the second you wake up.
- Keep Track of Your Spending
Saving money is a popular New Year’s resolution. Money (or lack thereof) is one of the biggest sources of stress. According to CBS News:
“Financial worries served as a significant source of stress for 64 percent of adults . . . ranking higher than three other major sources of stress: work (60 percent), family responsibilities (47 percent), and health concerns (46 percent).”
Make it a goal to set a budget this year. You can use a simple Excel spreadsheet, or even use Google Sheets if you don’t have access to MS Office. It’s free and the perfect source for tracking income, spending, and savings.
- Eat a Healthy Diet
In addition to getting control on spending, healthy eating is perhaps the most popular New Year’s resolution. Eating healthier foods, especially over the holidays, can reduce uncomfortable bloat. It can also help stabilize your blood sugar can impact your mood. Studies have shown that there is a link between consuming unhealthy food and depression. Psychology Today suggests that you avoid alcohol, caffeine, and high-calorie/low nutrient foods.
- Get More Sleep
Sometimes this is easier said than done. However, sleep is one of the best ways to practice self-care. Pushing yourself to the limit won’t only make you miserable, but the effect ripples throughout your entire family.
At the minimum, consider going to bed 30 minutes early. You might be surprised at what an extra half-hour of sleep can do for you.
- Be Nice to Yourself
When you mentally begin to beat yourself up, ask yourself if this is how you’d speak to a friend. If the answer is no, make it a priority to be kinder to yourself in 2018.
- Learn to Say No
This is exceptionally difficult for some people. However, learning to say no can help relieve anxiety and free up more time in your day. Never feel obligated to take on a task, accept a promotion, or even lend money if your gut is saying no way. Real Simple has some great tips on how you can eloquently say no to a variety of situations.
- Educate Yourself
It’s never too late to learn something new. If there is something you’ve wanted to learn about, whether it’s for work or personal reasons, use 2018 as the year to educate yourself. Invest in books, listen to podcasts, or even attend conferences when applicable. After all, investing in yourself is one of the best things you can do—in 2018 and beyond.
How do you plan to take care of yourself in 2018? For more tips and ideas, keep following the blog here at Best Life Hub.